Elite Financial Solutions
Unit 1, 888 London
Road, Oakhill,

Protection Insurance

The security of knowing that your family is well provided for is not to be underestimated and the stress related to this issue can cause many sleepless nights for those who have not made plans against the curve balls that life can sometimes throw. Should something unexpected happen to you or your partner, would your family be able to manage financially? Here at Elite Financial Solutions we understand that this is a sensitive issue but we also understand that it is an important one…and for that reason, we’re here to help you to plan for the future…whatever it holds.

Life insurance is an essential in terms of your peace of mind…not only can it provide a lump sum to be used to pay off your mortgage but it can also be used to assist with inheritance tax planning and to help you make sure that your loved-ones get to benefit from a larger inheritance in the future.

Because life isn’t a predictable thing, we recommend insurance plans which will not only cover you and yours in the event of a death but also in the event of serious or life-changing illness or injury. Planning against such events will give you peace of mind as well as protect your income and your lifestyle.

In addition to life insurance Elite Financial Solutions also recommend buildings and contents insurance to help you keep your possessions and investments safe from harm. Your future is in your hands and we’re here to help you protect it. Talk to us today to discover more about what we recommend.